Regardless, you should make an effort to go to every session because you (or someone else) is paying for it! It essentially forces you to spend time productively studying for that class, helping you avoid dreaded procrastination. If you are sponsored, you must attend at least 10 sessions. Attendance is taken at each class, but you don't have to go to every session unless you are sponsored. And if you can’t afford it, SSI (Student Success Initiatives) sponsors low income students by offering scholarships! Con: The class meets twice a week for 50 minutes This is another class that you need to fit into your schedule and attend regularly which can be challenging.
#Uci peer tutoring gen chem plus#
We’re poor college students, but if you think about it, it’s 20 sessions plus 2 review sessions making it $5 a session. Buy one less boba a week and spend that money boosting your GPA instead. Con: The cost of $110 a class Each class costs $110 which seems like a lot. Chemistry professors are notorious for this, trying to cram in a theory literally one minute before the class ends, so thank God for LARC. This is a lifesaver, especially for concepts professors cram in at the end of the class. Pro: Each session aligns with your specific professor LARC tutors are required to attend your lecture! They know exactly what happens in your class and are able to clarify concepts the professor glanced over. The review packets and worksheets help focus studying and clarify earlier concepts you may have forgotten. Worksheets reinforce the concepts so you don’t fall behind in the crazy fast paced 10 week quarter system. When midterms and finals come around, you also get a review packet and review session which is much smaller and personalized than general review sessions. This is super helpful, because you don’t have time to sit down and work out the problems in lecture. Pro: Worksheets for extra practice In each session, you get a worksheet breaking down concepts step by step with practice problems your tutor guides you through. Plus since it’s a small class, you get to know the people in your session as you struggle through the classes together. The peer tutors did well in that class and were trained to teach, so they’re really approachable and easily explain complex concepts. LARC classes are 15 people max, making it easier to ask questions instead. So it’s close to impossible to ask a question and professors are intimidating.

Chem class have over 400 people in a huge lecture hall. Pro: Small classes with peer tutors Alright if you’re in high school, not sure if anyone told you, but college classes are huge. However, like many programs, there are pros and cons so keep reading to see if LARC is right for you. LARC, the Learning and Academic Resource Center, is there to help struggling students in the most historically difficult classes like BIO SCI 93, MATH2A, and ICS 31. As a top research university with impacted STEM majors, UCI is notorious for challenging Chemistry and Biology classes.